Saturday, August 27, 2005
Anchorage, Alaska
The fligh was good. 6 hours... most of the time cloud, but we were able to see the moon behind and the sunset in front of us... Very nice.
And also, when arring over Alaska, we saw some glaciers.
Pieter's uncles went to the airport to pick us up and drove us to their place. We are going to be here till sunday, when we are going to pick the train to Denali Park!
The city is quite nice, and guess what? it is a normal city ;-) hehehe
While driving last night I checked tatoo store, Mc Donnalds, shopping malls, SEARS... and people living around!
Wow... people really live in alaska!!! :-D
Today we drove around the city... we went to see a movie about Alaska and their animals and their natives! I was nice!
Sighs... Sunday is up to Denali!!! Let's see if I survive from 15 days hiking and camping!!!
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
vending machines
So now... I am here... in my office, fighting with my jobs (compiling, compiling, error, error...) with an URGE for coke (soda caffeine... sighs...), without coins and that STUPID vending machine doesn't accept none of my bill... sighs...
back to work, without coke...
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Last day
Today is my last shift!!!! :-D
And I was thinking that I would have a good (smooth and boring) shift, but noooooo, while my friends are having fun watching (a ,probably, nice) dvd... I am here!!! in the CR (oh... I made a note in one of my entries to bring the camera, but I forgot.... but... I enter some 'nice' figures in my foto page that shows how bor... er... important is this shift...) Stopping run, pausing, resume... sending sclinit... call expert... (at least is not a daq problem... hihihi)... Hummm, but now I think is everything fine and running smooth again... and anyway... It is my very last daq shifter (unfortunately not my last shift because I still have fpd, sighs...)
But... before come here I had a nice dinner with my friends (Helena made a nice food... hummm) and a blueberry pie as dessert :-)
Now, I will try to work a bit (since yesterday I've spent my whole shift trying to do a stupid plot and the only thing that I was able to do was a mean less selection... sighs...)
Oh... and just to laugh a bit... I will put a cartoon that I just saw and... well...

it is true... it is sooooooo unfair when you don't find a sale shoes in your size... hihihi
Friday, August 12, 2005
Thursday, August 11, 2005
I am completely boring in my shifts... and the strange thing is that isn't a too boring shift... I had something to do about the "taking care of data flow" and I am not even sleepy (not too much at least), but I just can't work and I am soooooooooo but sooooooo bored...
I don't have any idea how it will be the rest of my day... so much to do... and still sleep to be prepare for one more night... sighs... But, anyway... letting what it will be for the future... living the present (even if it is be boring in here - I should remember to bring the camera and take a picture from the CR...) I just "came" here to make a note about two movies that I was thinking about today/yesterday (in my own inner shift-time):
*Devil's Advocate: The whole movie is incredible... all Al Pacino lines are fantastic but the final discourse is the best! But there is one line that I will put here:
"Free will. It's like butterfly wings. Once touched, they never get off the ground. No. I only set the stage. You pull your own strings."-> People just have to remember of their 'free will' before blame their 'destine' .
*Meet Joe Black: This is a movie that shows so well how life can be so great that even The Death wanted to live!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
See it? This is the worse from the owl shifts, you really loose track of the days... because your shift is in the next day... hummm, This doesn't look make too much sense like writing it down, but it does a lot when you think about! You are like... doing it from 0:00 to 8:00 on tues... then you sleep and wake up still on tues but you go to work on weds... grrr... wow...)
Well, now I can understand why I spent like 15min wondering about the "difference" between the coffe cup and the tea cup from Dunkin Donuts... because my mind was already sleeping but my eyes were open... (just like now...)
hummm incredible how when you start to wonder about something your mind can just go on and on without stop! on and on...
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
We've left from Il on sunday morning, around 7:00am, and drove till "there" by free ways... what was very nice... the way was fast and with lot's of trees in both sides of the way... so we didn't suffer so much with the sun (it was a very hot weekend)
When we arrive at the camp site, first we were thinking in spend the night in a backpacking shelter... but the trail till the shelter area was only 10min, with lot's of mosquitos and the area around the shelter besides the fact of lack of water wasn't nice to put the tend... so in the end we've decided to stay in a more conventional camp area...
After registering in we started our walk... our 8hs walk... Enough time to get almost eaten by insects... almost die from thirsty and also to get lost!... hihihi, but in the end was everything fine... we found water (thanks Pieter, my hero! ;-) ) and our way back...
Apart from the hot sun and the not expected lost... it was a very nice walk... we stopped sometimes, sit on the floor or on rocks on shadows... drunk some orange juice/water and took some pictures...
And in the night, around 8:00 we've put the tend... a very nice small tend, for two people... We've slept sooo well!!!
On monday morning we went to Madison (that city is so nice), walk around a bit... and came back...
And now I am "here", doing shifts, again... with mosquitos bites all around my body and my legs hurting... but with good memories of a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
go and squash
ok, ok... sighs... but I will try once more (with feeling'... some "Buffy fa...natic joke)... things we do for love... hihihihi -> so I can train... ;-)
I also started to learn how to play squash!!! I really liked! It is a very nice and fun game! And it is a good exercise... the only problem is that I was completely broken after the game... but I really liked :-)