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A Sua (marisa Monte)
Eu só quero que você saiba
Que eu estou pensando em você
Agora e sempre mais
Eu só quero que você ouça
A canção que eu fiz pra dizer
Que eu te adoro cada vez mais
Que eu te quero sempre mais
To com sintomas de saudade
To pensando em você
Como eu te quero tanto bem
Aonde for não quero dor
Eu tomo conta de você
Mas te quero livre também
Como o tempo vai
O vento vem
Eu só quero que você caiba
No meu colo porque
Eu te adoro cada vez mais
Eu só quero que você siga
Para onde quiser
Eu não vou ficar muito atrás
To com sintomas de saudade
To pensando em você
Como eu te quero tanto bem
Aonde for não quero dor
Eu tomo conta de você
Mas te quero livre também
Como o tempo vai
O vento vem
Eu só quero que você saiba
Que eu estou pensando em você
Mas te quero livre também
Como o tempo vai
O vento vem
Mas te quero livre também
Como o tempo vai
O vento vem
Ah... Now I can breath relieved... I did my talks and both were good! :-)
I had one talk on wednesday, about my technical work... and it was good, well explained and planned... and today (in fact yesterday, on thursday) I presented my analysis!!! And this one was really good!!! I am really happy with the reaction of people...
And this way the is going to end up very well (but for the fact that I have shifter in this weekend... but ok, I will have at least one week without!!!)
So, on monday I had stuffs done, after a wondering weekend... by tuesday the talks were done and we had Helena's birthday party, that was really nice!!! On weds I did my lum talk and in the night went to socialize with the d0 people... nice, nice.... and today my analysis talk and socialize with friends!!!
I'll keep in mind this like my end of week since tomorrow I have "shifts" ...
And on top of that... tuesday I have my baby back (*blush*)!!!
So... This week is the D0 Collaboration Meeting week!
It is everyone going crazy with their own talks and work!!! Good that on top of that today is Helena's birthday (Happy Birthday Heleninha!!!), so we can have a break to get together, relax and maybe not talk about work (what is too difficult to happen when a bunch of physicist are put together ;-))
It is something... even with my boyfriend I could notice that instead of talk about nice stuffs and "I miss you" I was talking about work! "I did this I did that is missing this..." almost without breath...
But ok! Now I have almost everything setup... and next week I can upload more pictures from my last trip (that I didn't do it up till now because my web page were with problems... but now looks fine!)
ok... again, stopping here, because I now have the strange habit to write too much!!! I start thinking in something and then my mind starts to flow around all my thoughts... and I keep thinking and writing... and so and so and so on...

Well, since is Collaboration week, here is a fig of something that I am working!
Todo dia a insônia
Me convence que o céu
Faz tudo ficar infinito
E que a solidão
É pretensão de quem fica
Escondido fazendo fita
Todo dia tem a hora da sessão coruja, hum...
Só entende quem namora
Agora vão'bora
Estamos bem por um triz
Pro dia nascer feliz, hum...
Pro dia nascer feliz
O mundo inteiro acordar
E a gente dormir, dormir
Pro dia nascer feliz
Ah! Essa é a vida que eu quis
O mundo inteiro acordar
E a gente dormir...
Todo dia é dia
E tudo em nome do amor
Ah! Essa é a vida que eu quis
Procurando vaga
Uma hora aqui, a outra ali
No vai e vem dos teus quadris
Nadando contra a corrente
Só pra exercitar...
Todo o músculo que sente
Me dê de presente o teu bis
Pro dia nascer feliz, é!
Pro dia nascer feliz
O mundo inteiro acordar
E a gente dormir, dormir
Pro dia nascer feliz, é!
Pro dia nascer feliz
O mundo inteiro acordar
E a gente dormir, dormir
Boa Noite!
yes yes yes... parents always say this to their children, so the children do their homework and soon as possible... (as if it works)...
"C'mon... do your homework now and then you will be free later"...
Who wants to be free later? Kids want to be free now, play now... and then when they are tired, when all the plays don't excite anymore... THEN they can do the homework... (not that really works... because then they are tired, they have to sleep and it is too late!!!)
Yeah... you don't want do it now but later is not safe... in the end parents are right!!!
yep... they are right because they know better! Not because they are parents, but because they already let to later their homework, or because they are letting to later some problem...
You do when you are kid.. and then people continue to do when they "grow up" (in between "" because some NEVER really grow up :-P)...
It is so true... and then happened with me this week!
I came back from a 3 weeks holiday... So I have lots of catch up to do with my work... somehow I was unable to "catch up" with the one whom should help me till today (this is the part that is not my fault...) but then, together I let for later the OTHER work... the one that I've should and could done now... but I didn't!!! I found something better to work on... or somewhere to go and have fun! And after a good night of fun with brazilian song I got home and "ok, let's just check my mail" and I have the message "You have to present!!! You have to have work done THIS week to present next week!!!" and also... finish the other work!!!
Sh$#%...&*it!!! I should have done before... so I will do this now!
I tried... it crashed... should I do the other one then now? Or should I go do some work out?
I decide that I do it now and not later!!! So I went to do some work out!!!! of course :-P
And that was good!
So... in the end... you don't really let to do later... you just do something that you can do it now... the one that gives you more pleasure! C'mon... it sure makes sense... I did work out now and not later... the kid plays now and not later!!!
So... now I will decide between now work or now go to a bar? hu hu?
And, btw... someone told me that I've been writing some silly things in my blog... and I felt so *blushed* and embarrassed that I had decide not to write anything silly anymore!!!
But... since I learnt today (last night) that I should do now and not later!!! (even if according with my discourse the question is not now and later but what do you want to do now and what later... since you are not going to regret it later ;-) )
Since I have to do now and not later... I will give myself the right of been silly NOW that I can I have good reasons for... than later... that I don't know how it will be, I have no sure... I can just plan and hope!!!
So now... I can be silly and I am silly because I am in love!!!
Kisses to everyone and a huge kiss for you!!! ( *;-)* *:-P* *blush*)
I had a horrible night!!!
I was so tired and I thought that I would be able to sleep like a baby... and I was right if it wasn't the pager. Some horrible device created to disturb the life of someone... in this case my good sleep!!!
It was around 3am... and I was in the most deep dream... the one that you don't remember because you just slept so damn good!!! sighs... and my pager rang...
First step... I didn't wake up, nut I started to dream... and in my dream I heard some strange noise and some light and this noise was after me... and I was scared!!!! Then... in the secondsted I woke up... SCARED TO DEATH... looking for something... trying to understand what was happening... and finally I realized... the pagerSo... after solve the problem... that I won't describe here because such question didn't deserve wake me up but did, so I will content myself in not passing around, sighs... after the pager I only had nightmares and slept really bad!!!
But, that's not the title of my entry!!! The title of my entry is the call that I receive in the morning (in my mind, since I had such a terrible night!!! but it was really at 12:40pm) from my boyfriend!!! It made my day!!!!
If I smiled the rest of the day and I tried to forget the huge headache that I had because of the lack of sleep it was because of this call!!!
(PS.: you know I Love you...)
We are back from Alaska...
We arrived in Chicago on friday morning after a very nice trip!!! 3 unforgetble weeks in Alaska... and imagine... with views like this one... a perfect "honey moon"... *blush*Alaska is great!!! and I think this trip had everything... good and bad whether... good camping, difficult camping... some days with hot shower and bed... even cable TV (hihihi), boat trips, propelo plane... some hard hiking, some not so hard hiking... incredibles views and wonderful sunsets...
So, keep an eye because every day I will write a bit telling about our 3 weeks in Alaska with, of course, some pictures to illustrate my best trip ever!!!