Yeah, that's right! And more and more I am enjoying as less and less I am complaining.
Sure, I still don't like the fact that the wind blows this strong and I have to "fight" to get anywhere... Also, I don't like the fact that bugs can come inside my eyes (yeah... really inside my eyes... this in fact did happen this week with me!!! awful experience, even worse from the experience of feeling a bee hitting my face, two weeks ago... I need glasses!!!!) ...
... but better not complain so much about bugs, if they are out, hitting my face and my eyes while I am happily biking, this is a sign that we do have nice and good weather (not as warm as I've wished, but good enough! ;-) )
Plus... after using buses to go to the center and tried it out with the bike, I have to admit: the freedom is amazing!
Freedom: is never have to wait for the next bus!!! ;-)
I can just leave at any time!!!
Ah... the joys of biking in the middle of the night... with no cars at all to share the street with you!
Yeah... I love bike, I have to admit!
Anyway... those are in fact, a bit of old news... since I am biking for some months now... the reason that I am posting it here now, is that I have a new bike! More like me! ;-)
Can you guess the color???
Yeah, right: PINK!
A. C.