Hello lovelies!
How are you?
How was your weekend?
My was great! Very relaxing and productive! And to close down with a golden key I had a perfect chocolate+chocolate+extra cream pie for tea time ;-)
A lovely night to all and good week to come.
I will probably be away from the blog world, as I am going to CERN for a week, but will be back soon.
Olá meus queridos!
Como vcs estão?
Como foi o final de semana?
O meu final de semana foi ótimo! Super proveitoso e ao mesmo tempo relaxante. E pra fechar com chave de ouro eu comi uma deliciosa torta de chocolate+chocolate+extra creme no domingo a tarde!
Para todos uma boa noite e uma ótima semana a frente!
Eu vou estar afastada do mundo dos blogs por um tempo, já que eu estou indo para o CERN, mas eu volto daqui a pouco ;-)
Hello lovelies! Hope you all had an amazing weekend! My weekend didn’t
include a lot of drawing because I had a full house, but involved a lot of
5 years ago
Wow...coincidently I am too fond of tea.....or rather addictive....nice post anyway...