Last night I just wanted to have a chocolate muffin!
I could smell it and feel the taste of it... But the bakery was already closed...
What to do, what to do???
Well, in fact I did have all the needed ingredients to make them myself, and so I did! :-)
Unfortunately I forgot the sugar... So they taste good, but they are diet :-P
But nothing that some sugar on top won't solve it ;-)
Plus, hubby gave his OK on it! :-D
Wanna a piece?
Ontem eu estava morrendo de vontade de commer muffins de chocolate!
Tanta vontade que eu chegava a sentir o cheiro e o gosto da coisa... Mas ja era tarde e a padaria ja estava fechada (eh... aqui a padaria fecha as 6pm, e nao as 10pm... ahhhh que saudade da minha padaria de 6am as 10pm!!!)
Felizmente eu tinha todos os ingredientes para fazer muffins em casa... E entao eh isso mesmo que eu fiz! :-)
Infelizmente eu esqueci o acucar, entao eles sao diet! :-P
Mas nada que um acuquinha por cima nao resolva ;-)
E mais, o maridao aprovou! :-D
Quer um pedaco?
Hello lovelies! Hope you all had an amazing weekend! My weekend didn’t
include a lot of drawing because I had a full house, but involved a lot of
5 years ago
Quero sim, tá com uma cara linda!