Friday, June 10, 2011

More about light...

And so as promised here you have more news about the house ;-)

In fact, these lights were put before the lamp from yesterday's post... but I only managed to upload the pictures to my computer now... (time was a bit tight before... as you might have noticed for the lack of posts...)

Love the patterns and the ambience with them... so light lovely ;-)

E como prometido... mais novidades sobre a casa ;-)

Verdade seja dita, esse painel foi colocado antes do lustre do post de ontem, mas só hj eu tive tempo de colocar as fotos na minha laptop (tempo apertado até agora... como vc deve ter percebido pela falta de posts...)

Eu adoro o padrão dos paineis e como o hambiente fica leve e iluminado... :-)


A lovely friday and a great weekend to everyone!



  1. Lovely lovely!! Can I come and see them anytime soon? I've send you an e-mail about that. :-) Talk to you soon, sis!

  2. I love the calming effect! wow!

  3. Adorei, a luz dele consegue ser forte e suave, nao sei bem definir, mas tem um desenho que passa tranquilidade...


I would love to hear what you think. Lets chat :-)
Eu adoraria ouvir o que vc achou sobre este post. Vamos conversar :-)


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