Hey lovelies!
How are you doing?
Here is all good except for the weather joking with us... is cold, rainy... then you put layers and layers and then suddenly the sun opens up on you! Why doesn't the sun just stay up!? I want my summer back!
Anyhow... do you remember when I shared with you my
Guilty Pleasure over the "Pretty Little Liars" series and books?
Well, I am still all over it! The second season started (YEY!!!) and I am just staring "Wanted - PLL #7" :-) I find it soooo addictive and easy going... Love it! Plus is great to read when holding a sleeping baby in one arm (or in between naps, if I am not napping myself...)
Now, I really like Sara Sheppard books! I also started reading "The Lying Game" (now with the baby, besides a chaotic reader I am also a slow reader... but this goes in another post) and I just finished the first book today! Looking forward for the delivery of the second one in the L Game series (Never Have I Ever)...
So... I am telling you, if you need some nice and easy going to read, that your chance with The L Game series or the PLL ones, you will love it!
Now I got go, I have to enjoy the nap time to conquer a new chapter in my reading process ;-)
Olá meus queridos!
Tudo bem com vcs?
Por aqui tudo bem, exceto por esse tempinho gozando da nossa cara... Hora chove e faz frio, aí vc sai de casa toda encasacada só para o sol de repente abrir em cima de vc! Pq o sol não fica direto!? Eu quero meu verão de volta!!!
De qq maneira... tô dando uma rápida paradinha aqui, entre sonecas do Raphinha, para dividir com vcs, mais uma vez, meu vício pela séria "Pretty Little Liars", que já começou a segunda temporada... e os livros da Sara Sheppard!
Eu estou começando o número 7 da PLL série e acabei de ler o primeiro "The Lying Game" e não posso esperar a hora do segundo (Never Have I Ever) chegar!
Se vc estiver procurando por uma leitura boa e fácil, não vai se arrepender! ;-)