I've found about Elizabeth Perotin etsy store and her blog (September's Bliss) a few months ago via Decor8 and since then I am IN LOVE by her prints!
She is a french illustrator and photographer and her prints are sooo inspiring and magical that I had to share a few here with you.
I would love to be able to get them all! :-D
And you, do you also feel the magic?! ;-)
Eu descobri a loja na etsy de Elizabeth Perotin e seu blog (September's Bliss) alguns meses atrás via Decor8 e desde então eu estou completamente APAIXONADA por sua arte!
Elisabeth é uma ilustradora e fotógrafa francesa e sua arte é tão inspiradora e mágica que eu tinha que dividir tal achado com vcs.
Eu adoraria possuir todas as fotos dela! :-D
E vcs? tb estão sentindo a mágia?! ;-)
Oh thank you so much for all these nice words about my work and your lovely comment on my blog !