Thursday, March 21, 2013

Let's get warm!

I don't know if I really believe in positive thinking and act like you own/want it...
I am thinking spring, warm weather and sandals on my feet but all I get is cold grey sky, snow and about acting on it, frozen *sandaled* feet...

Eu não sei se toda essa história de pensamento positivo realmente ajuda não...
Eu estou mentalizando a primavera, calor e sandálias nos meus pés... Mas tudo o que eu consigo é frio, céu cinza, neve e pés congelados...

Não sei não...



1 comment:

  1. Whahaha. Well, yes, that's what we all want. Positive thinking is something different though, like getting the best out of the situation that is. Like: oooohhh I am allowed to stay inside, in my bed, with a warm cover and hibernate, because it's cccccold outside. :-D Or; I didn't deserve this! Let's eat chocolate! Chocolate always works. :-D


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