Monday, October 31, 2005

Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver

Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver;
É ferida que dói e não se sente;
É um contentamento descontente;
É dor que desatina sem doer;
É um não querer mais que bem querer;
É solitário andar por entre a gente;
É nunca contentar-se de contente;
É cuidar que se ganha em se perder;
É querer estar preso por vontade;
É servir a quem vence, o vencedor;
É ter com quem nos mata lealdade.
Mas como causar pode seu favor
Nos corações humanos amizade,
Se tão contrário a si é o mesmo Amor?

Luis Vaz de Camoes
The translation:
Love is a fire that burns without flame;
Wound that hurts and can't be felt;
non-contented contentment;
Pain that causes madness without hurt.
It's not wishing better than wishing good;
It's a lone walk amonst crowds;
It's an unsatisfaction in satisfaction;
It's even winning by losing.
It's being tied by wish;
It's serving, to who wins, the winner;
It's being loyal to the one who kills us, loyalty.
But how can its favor cause
Conformity in the mortal hearts,
Being love so contrary to itself?
I think that in Portuguese is much nicer!!! but ok... it is understandble also in English...
But anyway, I am writting it down here just to remeber myself that the first time when I heard this poem I loved (love at first sigh) but I though it was a sad description... and now, still in love, I see it as perfec description... It is not sad... can be not happy also... but it describes love!
Love, that even so contrary to itself brings in our hearts, not only conformity, but happiness!!!
I know, and I can not forget, that I will have a nice week after such very VERY nice weekend... in fact, PERFECT!


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I love this poem as well...

    it is so deep and beautyfool...

    the translition is verry good...


    love it


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