Tuesday, August 09, 2011


How's everyone doing?
Here things couldnt be better! :-)
On the weekend we went for a walk at the park with the little one, shopping at the garden center and even had some chocolate foundee after the baby was deep asleeping... And to top it up, some bbq on sunday, in the short time that the sun showed up ;-)
But since the weather insistis in convince me that we are already in fall, I've decided to give in and indulge myself in a hot bubble bath!
And you? What are you doing with your weather conditions?


Ola meus amores!
Como vcs estão?
Por aqui tudo ótimo! O final de semana foi divino :-) regado com passeios pelo parque com o Raphinha, compras para o jardim e foundee de chocolate... E para ficar ainda melhor, um churrasquinho no domingo a tarde, no único momento em que o sol resolveu nos visitar :-)
E já que o clima continua tentando me convencer de que nós já estamos no outono, eu resolvi aceitar e relaxar num delicioso banho de banheira!
E vc, o que vc está fazendo com as suas condições climáticas?


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