Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Hello, hello!

Can I share a secret with you? I LOVE bags! :-P
yeah... that's not a secret!
Neither is a secret the fact I think its never enough a certain ammount of bag (fill in your number... I am NOT displaying mine!)
And even though I keep "promising" to never buy a new one in an one year time window, I always end up lasting a few months only...

So... lately I've been craving for brown bag... I was lusting brown bag after brown bag in the streets, in fashion magazines and blogs and was trying to come up with a good argument for why I needed a new bag (because I don't really have any brown bags :-P ) and then I saw this fluff thing at the H&M magazine! :-D

Oh no... no no no... this is not the picture from the magazine, this is MY pic... from MY BAG!
I didn't need much convincing for a fur bag for winter ;-) SO GORGEOUS!!!
(I got me a fur clutch last winter... but this winter, tell me how am I going to use the clutch AND hold a baby? but with this gorgeous thing over my sholder, everything fits perfectly! ;-) )

And yours?
What is your addiction? or better... what is your new wardrobe addition for the winter? After all, those aren't addiction... but needs! ;-)


Oi, oi!

Eu posso te contar um segredo? Eu AMO bolsas! :-P
eu sei... isso nao eh um segredo!
Assim como tb nao eh segredo o fato de que eu acho que bolsas novas nunca sao demais!
Eu vivo me "prometendo" nao comprar novas bolsas dentro de um determinado tempo.... vamos dizer um ano... e duro apenas alguns meses....

Entao... acontece que ultimamente eu estava enlouquecidamene atras de uma bolsa marrom... eu olhava para tudo qt era bolsa marrom nas ruas, revistas, blogs... loucura total!!! Tudo que eu precisava era da bolsa certa e de um bom argumento do pq de uma bolsa nova (ue... eu realmente nao tenho nenhuma bolsa marrom!)... ate que de repente eu vejo esse pedaco de ceu fofo na revista daa H&M! :-D

Oh nao... nao nao nao... essa nao eh a foto da revita... essa foto eh MINHA... da MINHA BOLSA! :-P LINDA!
Nao foi preciso muito para me convencer de comprar uma bolsa felpuda no inverno!
(eu comprei um fur clutch no inverno passado... mas me diz como eh que eu vou carregar uma clutch e um bebe no colo? eu precisava da bolsa... agora tudo cai mais confortavelmente ;-) )

E vc?
Qual eh o seu vicio? Ou melhor... qual eh a sua mais nova adicao para a nova estacao? afinal de contas isso nao eh um vicio, mas uma necessidade! ;-)


1 comment:

  1. "After all, those aren't addiction... but needs! ;-)" - Lol!

    I love your bag! It's perfect for winter! I got a new sweater yesterday. I really didn't want to spend my money on anything but this one was not only gorgeous, warm and cheap but it was also 100% cotton. I am very allergic to artificial fabrics so you can imagine how difficult it is for me to find a cute sweater that's 100% cotton. So yeah, I had no choice - I had to buy it :D


I would love to hear what you think. Lets chat :-)
Eu adoraria ouvir o que vc achou sobre este post. Vamos conversar :-)


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